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My second computer - now my server router

Tyan Tiger133 mobo - DUAL SLOT1 , 133FSB, AGP Pro/4X, ATA 66, PCI2.0, 2 USB2.1,  1.5G max PC133 SDRAM, onboard LAN

dual 866Hz PIII slot1 cpus (oc'd 866s)

512 Megs SDRAM 

AOpen nVidia MX400 64M DDR 4X AGP card

SoundBlasterLive5.1 sound card

Windows XPPro

Seven fans including 1 PCI slot exhaust, two exhaust, two fresh intake and one on each cpu.

I use a Logitec two button TracBall on PS/2

   I have a GatewayNatural Keyboard.

   Drive A is a generic 3.5 floppy

   Drive C is a IBM 7200 RPM 20GB ATA100 IDE.

   Drive D is a Pioneer DVD114 12X/40X DVD-ROM as slave on primary conroller.

   Drive E is an Iomega 100Zip as slave on secondary controller. 

   Drive F is an NEC 7700 12x/4x/32x CDR/RW  as master on secondary controller. 

   Boston Accoustic BA735 speakers, One main center, two front, two rear. 

   Mini-pix 320 digital camera on serial port 0.

   Logitec Wingman2 Extreme game controller on CreativeSoundBlaster cards I/O game controller port.



 When I decided to build another computer, I started with the motherboard.  I found and obtained this new Tyan Tiger 133, it is a dual processor, slot1 board capable of up to two 1.1GHz PIII cpus on a 133FSB, and 1.5 Gigs of PC 133 SDRAM.  Six PCI v2.1 slots and a AGP 4X/Pro slot.  Onboard 2 USB, ATA66.  I then obtained two 866MHz 133FSB processors, and two 256M PC133 SDRAMs. 

I knew my Windows98SE wont take advantage of my dual cpus, so I got my hands on a new copy of Windows XP Pro, which will.  It will also work great with games, media and audio video.  

Okay, got the board hooked up, now for the peripherals.  I will keep my 7200rpm 20Gig Seagate ATA66 EIDE hard drive, as well as my SoundBlaster5.1 audio card and put them into a new box with the baord and processors.  I like my nVidia TNT2 AGP card, but it is only 2X and 16Megs, and I do have a budget, so after looking around I found a AOpen nVidia MX400 64Meg DDR card for $75 and went for it.  Next, I found a good pair of cpu heatsinks and fans.  The new case is shorter than my current 4IDE bay beige box, but deeper front to back, which is what I need for the dual cpu board.  It also will accept a 250 watt power supply easily, and the cpu air duct will cover both cpus and thier sink/fans.  

Okay, the board, cpus, sink/fans, memory and power supply in the new box.  Added a 14.4cfm fan to exhaust the back of the case, a slot exhaust fan under the agp card, a 12.1cfm fan blowing in from case front vents over HDD and then onto AGP card, and another large and loud 21cfm fan on the side vents inside, blowing over both cpus and the dimms.  The thermal probes are now attached to the top of the cpu sinks.  

Okay, HDD and cards installed, cables and power wiring done.  This system is running on two fans, the HDD was the slave, now the only.  No sound card on this system now.  Time to power up the other system, YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAA !

Okay, the new system has POSTED
Okay, have set defaults in BIOS and it is booting.
Excellent, it is up and now it is time to play! 

Well, the next day, and the new system is GREAT!  It rocks.  The real test for me was the TFC gaming.  Steady 60fps and not fully tweaked!  wow 

After several days of tweaking and installing, TFC fps is up to 72, where I always wanted!  The screen refresh rate is set at 72, the card is running at 72fps, smooth and deadly.  My scores have all climbed!  My programs open faster, they close faster and cleaner, and even updating this site is so much faster!  The cpu temps are running steady around 112 Fahrenheit and no bsods.  Well, only when I was playing around.