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86 seconds over 56K
Smokrs' Terminology
Audio Bud: Certain varieties of bud tend to produce intense audio focusing.
Bag: A quarter of Marijuana
Baked: See High (you dumbass)
Baker: A person who smokes Marijuana
Bean: A Marijuana seed.
Beasties: Healthy Marijuana plants.
Bhang: The leaves and stems, and sometimes the fruit of the marijuana plant in India. Bhang is a weaker mixture than ganja and charkas.
Bogart: Taking a hit out of turn, or taking multiple hits before passing.
Bong: A water pipe used to smoke marijuana.
Bong Juice: The water in a bong.
Bowl: The bowl shaped bowl on a pipe or bong.
Bud: Marijuana
Buds: The dried flower and small leaves of a Marijuana plant.
Bud-Raping: To harvest and smoke any part of the plant before the plant has matured and flowered.
Buzzed: High
Cannabinoid: The active ingredients in cannabis which produce the psychoactive effects, most importantly THC.
Cannabis Americana: American Hemp found in the U.S.
Cannabis Indica: Indian Hemp variety of cannabis
Cashed: Creeper-weed: The stuff that takes a while to hit you, so that about a half hour after you smoke it, you say something like "hey, this stuff isn't working....main, I
gots the munchies.......damn, this stuff is gooooood!"
Dime: $10 worth of marijuana.
Doobie: Marijuana cigarette.
Doobage: Marijuana
Dope: A psychoactive substance, often used to mean marijuana but not always.
Dusted: Same as cashed
Fried: Same as cashed
Ganja: Marijuana
Grafting: To re-plant a flowering branch cut just below the leaflet
Nodes: Tends to produce a less-seed more-flowers new plant.
Grass: Marijuana.
Hash/Hashish: A Marijuana product collected from the resins and flowers of cannabis that can be formed into cakes or
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