Smokr's Lounge

A not-for-non-profit-non-organisation

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86 seconds over 56K 

Smokrs'  Terminology

Audio Bud: Certain varieties of bud tend to produce intense audio focusing.

Bag: A quarter of Marijuana

Baked: See High (you dumbass)

Baker: A person who smokes Marijuana

Bean: A Marijuana seed.

Beasties: Healthy Marijuana plants.

Bhang: The leaves and stems, and sometimes the fruit of the marijuana plant in India. Bhang is a weaker mixture than ganja and charkas.

Bogart: Taking a hit out of turn, or taking multiple hits before passing.

Bong: A water pipe used to smoke marijuana.

Bong Juice: The water in a bong.

Bowl: The bowl shaped bowl on a pipe or bong.

Bud: Marijuana

Buds: The dried flower and small leaves of a Marijuana plant.

Bud-Raping: To harvest and smoke any part of the plant before the plant has matured and flowered.

Buzzed: High

Cannabinoid: The active ingredients in cannabis which produce the psychoactive effects, most importantly THC.

Cannabis Americana: American Hemp found in the U.S.

Cannabis Indica: Indian Hemp variety of cannabis

Cashed: Creeper-weed: The stuff that takes a while to hit you, so that about a half hour after you smoke it, you say something like "hey, this stuff isn't working....main, I gots the munchies.......damn, this stuff is gooooood!"

Dime: $10 worth of marijuana.

Doobie: Marijuana cigarette.

Doobage: Marijuana

Dope: A psychoactive substance, often used to mean marijuana but not always.

Dusted: Same as cashed

Fried: Same as cashed

Ganja: Marijuana

Grafting: To re-plant a flowering branch cut just below the leaflet

Nodes: Tends to produce a less-seed more-flowers new plant.

Grass: Marijuana.

Hash/Hashish: A Marijuana product collected from the resins and flowers of cannabis that can be formed into cakes or made into a thickJFIF.Intel(R) JPEG Library, version []C    #%$""!&+7/&)4)!"0A149;>>>%.DIC;C  ;("(;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyzX" ?՚>Vݵ  #Չ˨`+*h|y>Tڴ~=v_o0@ cH:X}p>^<"vz֬WrY!`p!ۊHA!.FsRL kgS* _5syK2+ջcڲmD-2\\ОYȖf9=hw1^bs=)5+˰5V$x u,!-ĒAn2Y J*GLVˁyE.rJh@W'h 78529# i7m)1Tڏn>V1Meӭ4 )BҢE< mjLQ#Fړb#@Z~(m?b#IevָC׌{:EneqA|wxZWͭHH 9& YXtRWRp4пwY各X?PVi 0l F$?j(P_cZxw0.-owx5?} y;VUU_s 3OiNM[W?RFM1Ū\Y3d~"*({T{9}7/r)i"eG'?JcIpLrݑzמhgLI XJO'wa(j&0cnc$qF2|v [˷Տx$-O54Iiz3ͥeBzSQI}N1X^i7lgHaZݬ̃rq)*KpQjXj6LAGc_ֵ"c[j 2ޯ}⨕ؾZRA$}@oN a|b3NcUTCpw~@ )hKE7R@ Uo/R2ysio?b#o{Y.\lԝsJu۫{bMTqXWWupg X^(D;t;nW.$<}~u^\2ևըN7n1M''6rzzRZW8& uanF"-SXGH+) bt\LP#{63PjՎBIi aEv K5MS\|U3ArEd]ZInہ8(g_m!"5='ViZ ˝VŷY Ex&0=pm~V ©T{Z"H8' 3K+X2TdJT,l\mJˋHjfvcilqaTv ȫͧ[7W2 #jY|mOYwv,jz>A \'2?_oj_n\?ԎDrB ^UnӼB l֤ '$QOfkKGo&b;p?Kc q>eq-֥}J{\ċ k"3E:5M6<:Umio.BOҳϱqanMi_Qx] -1" L4h-yZN9^v{!ȍ+Tү 1-œ=e[2DZo,ZKXtoʷps[#nz7NqHE"ǵ-駃 :EJZCE-%!/V\ˏHGdNqbK#cK1l(^5>nڬvKcCE(7-_թG5kexq2*ZVMSI&Fh- J)5QzA❩:)|4vB|INȺ >)؂\I %2m%,fvVF9r=c:\FcC?ZHV;mJhJ^ ׼LJ;;Ww!q\DLnPr{Wq :*r: Δs#NE ^(yb+K \gP"Ǹȿ"E/֋ nzj،|*b{Yx}ЙkV|ۨ9jJŹ }5)`>o^W$t)#GJ663rZ3VEPX%A皒]9c95Zq1䍓ҭ [@U@j;dV>1ClD&4KLBRf׆tUVh[t יx_ZcFK8l(p=}ҼIu u<*]Y;%v=&* ]JG—k7I#-W2>EmSUuX=[[?zYV45HO24q'5O槜ĶxuR0|On~H3,%ڥV$X0Y1~uB᠑R9lуhYNnmL r'$~4Ml o@!UAo$NlWuRi(VpGsckH̗/?u}}ֈK< y U>Mj(b/-Hnr7`o|hrPMKeٳ'#.]@=js[mLE8,nƭ-eC?=^l>ݨ`kP.&=*^/ԣ\-?T-ح[DRx'\ o+Fn_k 3,Z57[çֹ'@:} O =ϙ?fv? ֯4q=ہV>Y*7֝BN.vqR2i~W{"#5 ,JoJ3uLz]7ⷕ uC)<1sj!ȹC4'5( 24ML_^I.zf^/\iw:x̍(#Zд ief&Fx{M-TvGf;>WEcmFs>{k]&r~C51`֒o _q!c$>7+YҲ2r~nk+LVl%TϵKoqX5_ jKw * h.A,J[?]-ФhP~yӏz&%}Գi?ʣ~ٶw!Vf8eGS3O9]+ϡ⳹'n9xnAl~EƊv<$t51Z;M6wfoVRr Q@ycdx?:Lx>[yTs=jh$a#, _:?ϥeL]-$6edޤ>^ snp7t=*[K$eS3dd{Iul\߇boU eMuvw2u52fΗWV8z6ۓ\]w?uX=֮]I6(=57c@)uy`UY^Gc.>SfX 8[.>Y,d#j w_>K{w1sm &v#GqZ_x$)G\q/kܮ/LooB9rwsOMrǎ\ƆLC|9R[@ H=yqҤF4fei,h5;i9j/[viE9j5\%³g3VpoOb